It never ceases to amaze me how many resentful people are out there, just boiling with frustration. Just the other day, there was this article in the paper about a kindergarten teacher struggling to find a job near home. This became a hot topic here, especially because the media keeps telling us about this supposed teacher shortage, and has done so for years on end. Obviously, you can see the contradiction: either there are plenty of job openings, or there aren’t. Therefore, common sense would lead you to conclude that the media has failed to tell the whole story, for whatever reason.
Not so for the nags residing in today’s comment sections, however. They’d rather rag on the teacher, with classic lines such as, “Back in my day…”, or ,”I commute two hours every damn day to my stinkin’ job, so quit whining!”
These old sourpusses live by the creed of, “I used to be miserable, so you better be too!” It’s impossible to argue with these cats. I’ve recently had a tradesman come by. After completing his job, he complained how everyone who starts working at the same company, quits soon after, usually in a matter of weeks. He also added how their job only pays a little more than unemployment – and let’s keep it real here, nobody is getting rich off of unemployment.
“Well,” I asked him, “have they tried paying them a better wage?”
Quick as a fox he replied back, “Nah, just slash their unemployment checks! That should do the trick.”
I didn’t want to argue, but these people rather shoot themselves in the foot, than see anyone else get ahead in life. I’d want these people to consider the following. Would your life truly improve, by taking away someone else’s unemployment check? Would you suddenly feel better about your situation, by forcing a kindergarten teacher to drive for two hours every day, just to get to her job and back? To me, that doesn’t make any sense.
But the average sourpuss doesn’t think that far ahead. It’s just this instinctive gut reaction, responding to anyone who’s a rung below them on the social ladder, who’s doing well for themselves.
Changing topics, I’m back to the grind. Got a bunch of interviews lined up, and my YouTube channel starts again on September 1st. It’s work, but it’s rewarding enough. If I’m patient, I’ll see the rewards in due time.
The same goes for my studies. Thing is, I knew I had ground to cover before officially starting university. Come June’s end, I hop online, buy a stack of textbooks, self-teaching mode activated. Once the shipment came in, I dove right in. Got my timer, my cup of coffee, and I went at it, day in, day out. Some days theory, others exercises. In two months, I’ve made leaps and bounds of progress.
Still, time is the biggest enemy here. Given more time, who knows what I could’ve done.
So yesterday, I had to hit up a test in Ghent. Supposedly, it’s a barometer to gauge where you’re at. Let me tell you, it was no cakewalk. It was thirty questions, and I spent about three hours and change trying to complete it all. This felt more like an exam, than some pop quiz. And I’m betting the results won’t be too good.
Am I going to allow that to rattle me? Hell no. I’ve been nailing it for the past two months, making massive progress. Some test doesn’t change any of that. Next couple of weeks, I’ll shore up my weak spots… and then, the school year officially kicks in. It’s gonna be a hustle, I’l have to give up some stuff, but the potential payoff makes it worth my while. Imagine me pulling this off, that alone would make it worth my while!
So, here’s the classic quote to wrap things up: the journey of a thousand miles kicks off with that first step.
Kind regards
Vincent J. Dancet